Unlikely to be given substantial extra funds to bring about the changed they required, the team decided to think smarter rather than bigger. Being data scientists and business analysts rather than developers, CloverDX has enabled them to stick with a “data first, technology second” mindset.
Working independently from the traditional IT department, the pillars of their solution are Amazon Redshift for storage, a Tableau-based portal for visualizing and socializing data insights within the company and CloverDX as the data engine that connects internal data sources with Redshift.
Having CloverDX in their tool belt helps them streamline the configuration of the data ingest pipelines. Taking a highly agile approach, they are constantly updating and onboarding new data sources as the project generates more and more interest.
“Something about the way Clover was presented made me feel that there are some really clever guys behind the product. And you can talk to them. That’s important. That means you can do some really clever stuff.”