uSell connects sellers with professional buyers to get customers the best prices for their old tech.
The recommerce market for old phones is competitive, and uSell's success hinges on collecting and utilizing deeper, more valuable insights from their marketing and sales data.
One of the main challenges was to get better information on website visitors. They had billions of records of web traffic but needed a system to integrate the data to provide better visibility into returning customers and better attribute traffic to specific marketing channels.
In a fast-moving industry, they needed to spend less time on trying to work with a lot of complex data and more time focusing on insights from the data itself.
Working with consultants YPoint Analytics, uSell began using CloverDX to help take in data from disparate sources. Website hits, customer orders, data from their marketing agencies and affiliate network all needed to be intelligently integrated.
Getting the data in a format suitable for analytics became simple and scalable. uSell were able to concentrate on working with and analysing information and as a result, could optimize marketing and operations.
For online retailers, data comes in constantly from a wide range of sources, and the techniques available to analyze it are ever-expanding. CloverDX enables uSell to stay ahead of the game as their business changes and grows, empowering them to work with and visualize their own data.
Explore Topic: Business Intelligence and Analytics